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Cruise Catering Hotel


Y A L T A  
C R U I S E  
H O T E L  &  C A T E R I N G  
T R A I N I N G  C E N T R E  

   Accreditation    For сruise сo.,
   and restaurants
Urgently! The vacancy of Tour Scout, Barkeeper and Photo Assistant was opened to the German company ...
В апреле ( дата будет уточнена)2008 года состоиться очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CR...
В феврале 2008 года состоится очередное интервью с представителями PRINCESS CRUISES(USA)и CUNARD (UK...

Transit Express      AIDA cruises



    YALTA CRUISE HOTEL & CATERING TRAINING CENTRE enrolls for training both male and female candidates, physically fit to work at sea on trade and cruise vessels.
    On submission of application and questionnaire to inspection board, candidate for training should submit medical examination test with conclusion of therapist regarding his/(her) fitness to work on vessels of trading and passenger fleet. It is possible to pass medical examination in any civil or marine residential polyclinic.
    Without medical examination test, application and questionnaire are not considered.


      Contact: 43a, Troitskaya Street, Odessa, Ukraine. tel. +38 (093) 168 55 99
      Copyright © 2003 YCHCTC, All right reserved. |